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Final Conference Program

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All presentations, abstracts and the time schedule for the international CUPP conference at the IT University on January 29-30, 2024 is now public.

Welcome to the international conference on predictive policing – hosted by the research project CUPP (Critical Understanding of Predictive Policing), sponsored by NordForsk and taking place at the IT University of Copenhagen. With two conference days, several panels and 10 parallel tracks with almost 40 presentations, we are aiming for multi-faceted and productive conversations. In total, we are expecting up to 200 participants, comprising researchers as well as practitioners and concerned citizens with an interest in the implications of an increasingly digital police.


Full program:

Program updates and explicitations:

  1. Explicitation: The conference ends at 16:45 CPH time on Tuesday, January 30
  2. Updated title: Presentation no. 6.2. (Pia Levicnik) has an updated title: "Pre-crime and punishment: Preemptive regimes of punishment through predictive policing" rather than "Pre-crime and punishment: the expansion of punishment through predictive policing"
  3. Updated panel: Panel discussion "Silicon Valley vs. the EU: Palantir in Denmark" (Monday 29th, 15.45-17.15) - Mikkel Flyverbom (CBS) replaces Sarah Brayne (University of Texas at Austin) in the panel.
  4. Updated title: Session 7 has an updated title: "AI and Prediction in Policing: Challenges and Future Perspectives" rather than "AI in Policing: Challenges and Future Perspectives"


Updated time schedule:

Conference Day 1 | Monday, January 29


Registration (with Coffee and Tea)

ITU Atrium








Parallel Sessions A


Panel 1A

Community policing in times of digitalized policing

Aud4 – 4A60, 4th floor

Session 1: Historical Grounds and Evolution of Predictive Policing

1.1 Predictive policing in Sweden: Unveiling complexities and historical perspectives



ScrollBar – ground floor

1.2 Surveillance in Transit: A Chronology of Power, Complicity, and Policing in the Indian Ocean World, c. 1850-Present

1.3 Visions of techno-policing at the dawn of the digital age

1.4 What’s old is new again: Revisiting historical ethical dilemmas of predictive approaches to public safety

Session 2: Evolving State-Citizen Relations with Predictive Policing

2.1 Dreams of increased efficiency and security – Hacking as state surveillance



3A52 – 3rd floor

2.2 Welfare administration as police? Digitalization and control of citizens

2.3 Perceived Legitimacy of Predictive Policing: Do Political Regimes Matter?

2.4 The patchwork of Surveillance: Looking at the oligopticon of inner border control


Break with Coffee and Tea










Parallel Sessions B


Panel 1B

How does algorithmic policing affect the relationship between prevention and repression?

Aud4 – 4A60, 4th floor

Session 3:  Surveillance and citizens

3.1 Saving face? Recent developments in public space surveillance in the UK



ScrollBar – ground floor

3.2 Traffic, surveillance and distributed agency: the ambiguities of mundane technologies

3.3 Citizen App: The Digitization of Crime and Lateral Surveillance in New York City

3.4 Participatory victimization? Tensions in security technologies directed to citizens

Session 4: Predictive Policing as a Knowledge-Making Process

4.1 Making Information Matter: Predictive policing and associative logics




3A52 – 3rd floor

4.2 Charting the Knowledge Networks of Policing in Norway: A Citation Network Analysis

4.3. Behind closed sources: ‘Clandestine openness’ of OSINT in law enforcement investigations during an era of openness

4.4 Machineries of knowledge construction: Exploring the epistemic agency of digital systems in policing


Lunch (own expense)

Canteen on site


Keynote speech: Sarah Brayne


Research as Surveillance: Navigating Data Dilemmas in the Study of Predictive Policing

Aud1 – ground floor


Break with Coffee and Tea



Panel Discussion

Silicon Valley vs. the EU: Palantir in Denmark

Aud1 – ground floor



Central Copenhagen

Conference Day 2 | Tuesday, January 30


Registration (with Coffee and Tea)

ITU Atrium








Parallel Sessions C


Session 5: Prediction and Police Power

5.1 Prediction, Politics and Police Power in the Digital Era – The Case of POL-INTEL




ScrollBar – ground floor

5.2 More than software vendors and analysts. Instances of Palantir’s presence in Europe

Algorithmically generated suspicion: Introducing intelligence-led 5.3 and predictive policing in the Danish National Police

5.4 Anti-Trafficking Predictive Policing: Examining the Impacts of Datafication in North America

Session 6: Constructing Social and Structural Inequalities through Predictive

6.1 Forecasting youth crime – From personal archives to intelligence sharing


3A12-14 – 3rd floor

6.2 Pre-crime and punishment: Preemptive regimes of punishment through predictive policing

6.3 Anticipating crime: dataification, standardization and visibility

6.4 From Myth-Making to Quiet Dereliction: An Overview of Predictive Policing in France

Session 7: AI in Policing: Challenges and Future Perspectives

7.1 From Police Investigation to Court Verdict: Mass Video Surveillance and AI for Criminal Justice Purposes



Aud4 – 4A60, fourth floor

7.2 Potential harms towards the right to a fair trial and the right to privacy by the law enforcement use of AI to handle electronic evidence and the impact of the e-Evidence Regulation

7.3 Predictive policing in EU law enforcement policies

(Un)predictable futures of policing: A social transformation approach


Break with Coffee and Tea



Panel discussion: EU, AI and you

3A52 – 3rd floor












Parallel Sessions D


Session 8: Emerging Trends in Digital Policing

8.1 DNA as forensic evidence and a commodity: The role of consumer genomics



3A12-14 – 3rd floor

8.2 Scientizing Police Work: Biometric data practices and the creation of anatomic and genomic ‘body types’

8.3 New Risks and Old Forewarnings? The Swedish case of logics and risks in biometric interoperability

Session 9: Ethical and Legal Considerations in Predictive Policing

9.1 The Ethics of Predictive Policing



ScrollBar – 0E01

9.2 The Role of the EU Artificial Intelligence Act in Addressing the Fundamental Rights Risks of Digital Surveillance and Predictive Policing

9.3 Legal challenges of LEA deployment of AI to predict crime

9.4 Digitizing caste: Criminal databases and policing in India

Session 10: Shifts in Organisational Culture and Police Work

10.1 Forensic Reconstruction and the Digitalization of Evidence Management




3A52 – 3rd floor

10.2 Resisting digital policing practices: A participatory approach

10.3 Choosing Predictive Communications in the Dutch National Police

10.4 Predictive Policing: Challenges from South America


Break with Coffee and Tea



Keynote speech: Simon Egbert


Predictive policing as a door-opener for the datafication and platformisation of police work

Aud1 – ground floor


Wrapping up and goodbye